6 Main Marketing Functions You Should Know

Marketing Functions

What does “marketing” actually mean? Marketing is one of the most important activities in the company. What are the definitions, goals, functions, and tasks of marketing in a company? Check out this article.

Marketing, like war, is on the front lines. Within the company, marketing is one of the divisions that has an important role in determining the progress of the company. But the marketing division can’t work on its own; it needs to work with other parts of the company, like research, production, development, human resources, and finance. also understand the basics of digital marketing.

For those of you who don’t understand what the definition of marketing is, what its functions are, or what their duties are, we will discuss them one by one below.

Definition of Marketing

Marketing is a set of activities that are done to meet the needs and wants of consumers. This can be done by making products, setting prices, advertising them to consumers, and selling them.

Marketing can also be thought of as a group of activities that work together to meet the needs of customers so that businesses can make money from what customers buy.

Marketing is very close to everyday life because it is done in the field and has direct contact with the community.

To the extent that marketing’s many products make it hard for you to decide which is the best,

Marketing is something that every business and organization needs to do today if they want to grow.

Many companies use marketing techniques to achieve their goals without realizing it.

Many people still do not fully understand what “marketing” is.

When asked, they define it as selling or advertising. While these answers are not wrong, they are just part of a marketing strategy.

Marketing also involves a lot of other things, like distributing and promoting products, designing and making materials like landing pages and content for social media, making sure customers have a good experience, doing market research, figuring out who your target market is, and a lot more.

Marketing Function

After you know the meaning of marketing, here are some functions of marketing activities that support business activities that you need to know.

Research Function

One of the marketing activities is to dig up information about a product that is needed by consumers or develop an existing product to learn about its advantages and disadvantages, then report all the data to the company so that it can be followed up immediately.

The company must conduct research on the product and its marketing performance. This market research is conducted to find out what products are needed by consumers.

Through this marketing activity, it will be easier for companies to figure out what customers want, and they will be able to set more specific goals to make sure their products do well on the market.

Distribution Function

The products that have been produced will certainly be marketed to the general public. In this case, marketing activities help to use good and correct strategic planning so that it can reach consumers through the right method of distribution, such as moving, transporting, and storing.

Marketing will determine potential locations where the goods and services are most in demand. For example, goods can be moved from the factory to a place where they will be used or sold, like a supermarket, by land, water, or air.

Promotion Function

Promotion is a type of marketing communication that marketers use to tell people about a product or service and offer it to them. The goal is to attract potential customers and influence their buying decisions so that companies can get the best results possible.

There are a lot of different ways to advertise, such as through pricing strategies, discounts, paid ads, and so on.

Distribution Function

The products that have been produced will certainly be marketed to the general public. In this case, marketing activities help to use good and correct strategic planning so that it can reach consumers through the right method of distribution, such as moving, transporting, and storing.

Marketing will determine potential locations where the goods and services are most in demand. For example, goods can be moved from the factory to a place where they will be used or sold, like a supermarket, by land, water, or air.

Function of Facility Provision

Marketing acts as a way to get things done because it is closely related to things that can help direct the way marketing operations go. This function includes all processes of information gathering, communication, sorting, and financing.

This service can be broken down into several parts, such as market information, risk management, the collection process, communication, standardization, sorting, and financing. This service can be broken down into several parts, such as market information, risk management, the collection process, communication, standardization, sorting, and financing.

Sales Function

Marketing activities are, of course, carried out in order to generate sufficient income. In this case, the goal of marketing is to make money for the company by bidding on and selling products made by the company. This can be done through activities that bring buyers and sellers together.

This process can be done directly or through an intermediary. Sales activities are the first step in buying, because buying won’t happen if there aren’t any sales activities.

Intermediary Function

For the smooth running of a company’s business activities, there needs to be a way to be able to distribute products that have been produced by producers to consumers.

This is done through marketing or marketing intermediaries, whose job it is to link exchange activities with physical distribution. Intermediary function activities include financing, information search, product classification, and so on.

How? Now you better understand the importance of marketing. Marketing is one of the keys to keeping a business running smoothly.

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